Lego Person Filled Bath Bombs Test and Review

Hey everyone, I was sent this amazing bath bomb set to share with you all, let's check it out!

They come each individually wrapped, and ready to go! I had a blast with the kids using these, and they were labeled well so each child chose a color and a scent.

The initial excitement was overwhelming. The foam, fizz, and bubbles everywhere... It was great, until the Lego man started to come out. 

Each Lego Person is fully disassembled, so it is vital you remember to put something over your drain, as Lego arms are very tiny and vanish very very fast. We used a small towel the first time, but it seemed more logic to just plastic wrap, or our hands, which worked very well.

The company heard my voice and is going to either partially assemble the Lego Figures or put them into a small container/shrink wrap! It's so awesome to be able to help make a difference!!!

Each scent was great, and the colors were too. This was one of our favorite product tests. Thanks for reading and watching!

You can get it here at;


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