Survival Hax 10 in 1 Paracord EDC Review

Hey everyone! The great people over at Survival Hax sent me this Key-chain to show you how easy it is to be prepared for almost any situation.

When it arrived, I couldn't help but say "Wow". I definitely didn't expect the size nor quality. I was very impressed. This Set is waterproof, and the Pill bottle is considerably decent sized, yet this set is very lightweight.

The aluminum EDC bottle is waterproof - so everything you place inside will stay dry. The key-chain is made with military grade paracord and has a 550 lb rating.

Inside the bottle was a complete fishing kit (minus the branch, sorry guys they couldn't fit it in there!). The hooks, lines, sinkers, swivels, and floats are all included inside of this bottle.

There is a fire starter inside and Tinder (ferro rod and cotton) so you can make a fire anywhere you have to. The kit also includes a wire saw.

It was extremely difficult to get the wire saw back inside, but with a bit of effort I was able to do so. This kit can really save your life, and it's also a great gift for anyone.

You can get it here at;


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