Marble Track by Amosting Review

Hey there everyone! I was sent this awesome Marble Run Track to test and share with you all. It's pretty awesome, and was very different from when I was little. This has so many more styles...

There are some pretty cool tracks in this set. It's important to put some serious science and engineering into it, as if you don't the marbles will fly right off the track.

Speaking of the marbles, parents of little ones and hobbiests should note that these tracks do not use standard marbles. These marbles are much smaller.

My kids, my husband, and I, all enjoyed the opportunity to use these. It was great for my youngest who is 8, as he just recently became obsessed with watching marble racing online.

Overall the tracks are very nice, high quality tracks. The only issue I had was explaining to the kids that you have to be strategic or the marbles will run away. Fortunately my kids were able to figure it out really quick and had a blast.

The loop-de-loop gave us a bit of a struggle. After a little while we had decided to not use that piece any more. There was zero frustration during play time.

You can get this set here at;


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