BRITOR Teeth Whitening Charcoal Powder Review

Hey there everyone! The good people over at Britor sent me teeth whitening powder to test out for you all. I've used a few different brands so far, this one seems to be the most palatable. I'm going to take a lucky guess it's because of the coconut and orange seed oil. I have not found these ingredients in other charcoal powders that I have personally used.

This powder comes in a box, but in a bag. No jar is perfect and charcoal gets messy. When you open the box the first time, be sure to do so over a paper towel or sink. It will be messy after being shaken up during shipment.

This teeth whitening powder is all natural and has a good consistency when applied. It's also GREAT for making cosmetics, as I use these ingredients in my black chapstick and lip balm that I make/sell.

It has a very pleasing flavor and texture, but it looks super crazy in the mirror. The first time I used it I smiled and scared my kids - so this can make for a great prank item as well!

You can get it here at;


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