BRITOR foot peel mask Review

Hey everyone! I was sent this Britor Exfoliating Foot Peel to test and let you all know how it works. The real test will be my update in about 1 month, as this product takes time to do its thing.

They're lavender scented, and each set comes in a foil pouch. There are very easy to follow instructions, and they are written very clearly. Make sure you follow the instructions or it may not work correctly.

So far the skin on our test subject is peeling and getting significantly softer. As time goes by I will update with another video and let you all know how it worked out. There was no irritation or rash, so far so good!

Fortunately this comes in a very pleasing lavender scent, and it did leave our subjects feet feeling new. This worked better than any stone or device our subject has tried. Also, this company has very responsive customer support, and they will answer any questions you may have.

You can find this set here at; 


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