Tissue Paper Pom Pom/ Flower Kit Review

Hey everyone! I received this awesome Tissue Paper Pom Pom/ Flower kit to try it out, and you won't be disappointed!

They're super easy to assemble, and come with good instructions. This kit will come with everything you need to start creating fast. It takes about 5 minutes to make the larger ones, and less time as they get smaller.

You can use them in any room for added flare, and any occasion such as birthdays and weddings. I personally am hanging them out in my work studio. I completely love these!

The kit comes with 2 that you can put lights inside of. I chose to use battery operated LED lights since they will not get hot and are the safest way to do this. It worked very well and looks great. I can't wait to show these off to all my friends.

What I thought was the coolest, was that when I was sitting here watching videos, I was able to make these without even looking. They do not tear easily, they are made with really high quality tissue paper.

The options are endless - you can hang them almost anywhere. They can lighten the mood of any location. I received the Pink set, but there are other options available to choose from.

You can get them here at;



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