Jeep Roll Bar Grab Handle, Heavy Duty Roll Bar Side Grab Handle with Adjustable Straps Durable Wrangler Accessories for 1995-2017 Jeep Wrangler YJ TJ JK

Hey everyone! I was lucky enough to get to test

Jeep Roll Bar Grab Handle, Heavy Duty Roll Bar Side Grab Handle with Adjustable Straps Durable Wrangler Accessories for 1995-2017 Jeep Wrangler YJ TJ JK. 

With our busy snowy weekend - our local Jeep owners were unavailable to help. I decided to attach these babies to a sturdy metal pole, and begin to test for strength, and durability. I was able to do this by securing both ends of the pipe, and then putting all of my weight on 2 handles at first, then I tried one by one. They all seemed to have the same consistent results.

I immediately attempted to put my body weight on it. I was able to put about 170lbs on them without the buckle stretching or moving in any way. I tugged on them continuously and attempted to make them snap on purpose which I could not achieve. They seem to be able to hold extremely well under any conditions I was able to replicate at home. 

Really not too shabby for basic grab bar handles. If you're looking for something simple that you can take on and off easily, this is definitely your product. I would love to have someone get this muddy and let me know if they still hold as strong as they did for me.

You can find them here at


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