Sheep Emoji Slippers Review

Hey everyone! I was sent these super cute and fluffy sheep slippers to test out and let you all know how they are. They are so adorable and I wish they came with an identical plushie! The kids simply adored them as well, so it looks like 3 more pairs will be coming in my near future.

The little face on these is irresistible, and very soft to the touch. These slippers are super fluffy, yet light weight. You can definitely wear these year round. I personally would not wear these outside, as they don't seem they are meant for that. These are best for indoor use.

The ears and inner slipper are super fluffy and comfortable. They don't fall off easily, I can run up and down the stairs in a jiffy without an issue. There was minimal slippage, nothing out of the ordinary all considering I have wood floors and these slippers are SUPER fluffy.

Your feet will appreciate the softness if you can handle the cuteness. These little guys are one size fits most, I'm a 5.5 Youth and they fit me really well. The threads were all very sturdy and they have cute little tails.

You can get them here at;


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