Pink Jump Rope Unboxing

*I stand corrected - this rope is good to 6'11"!*

Hey everyone! I ordered this product test specifically for my daughter. She absolutely loves to jump rope, and absolutely adores the color pink. 

Since she just turned ten I figured it was time for a good wire rope and this one is adjustable and pink, so it fits the bill.

Get it here it;

These are the details from the manufacturer;

This skipping rope produces a smooth turn and can reach speeds of 6-7 turns a second, a lightning quick cable speed rope designed for competitive speed jumpers, CrossFit and double unders.

Handles are 7" long and weight 6.4oz. Anti-slip handles allow for an easy, comfortable grip of the portable jump rope. Provides a smooth Experience, great for warm-up and part of a conditioning workout that give you a edge in endurance

The weighted jump rope cable is coated with PU layer for protection and better durability also 100% tangle free. Suited for BOXING, Muay Thai, MMA or WRESTLING Training warm up. Designed for easy to rip double unders.

The long jump rope cable comes in a 10 foot length. One size fits all. Will fit anybody up to 6' 11" tall. Resize for your purposes according to our sizing guide. Cut off the extra cord after adjusting the cord with the adjustable screw and collar system

Highest quality speed jump rope for fitness, aerobic exercises, developing core strength, burning calories, slimming, jogging, crossfit, bodybuilding, resistance, reduce fatigue for beginner or advanced women and men.


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