Test and review for a YIFANYU Tube Squeezer for Toothpaste
I was recently sent this YIFANYU Tube Squeezer for Toothpaste. It's really something that I've needed my entire life on so many levels, and it's super easy to use. I used it on toothpastes with different levels of fullness and experienced nothing but a mother's pure joy!
My kids are constantly wasting toothpaste, and we all know I have to have a different flavor for each child in the house. We all hate waste and this product turned out to be an amazing solution to this problem. It makes a beautiful rippled crimp, and prevents product from falling back down the tube!
It's made of aluminum alloy and is very sturdy. My 7 year old son was able to help me using this and had a lot of fun doing so. All you have to do is stick the end of the tube in the crank, squeeze down, and turn the little crank.
It can be used in either direction, I've tested this theory. It was a fun family activity and worked great on my paints as well. It has a ton of uses other than toothpaste, and I recommend this to any person who hates wasting money and likes to use what they pay for.
It's small and folds in both directions, so storage is simple and you have options for how you'd like to store it. I personally am keeping this in our medicine cabinet right above our sink,
so that we can use it all the time.
You can find it here at;
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