Review on Needle Felting Craft Kit Set by Queenti
Hey everyone! I got this Felting Kit in the mail the other day. It's pretty good and I wanted to share it with you all. It makes a great starter or booster kit for any crafter. This isn't just good for felting, it's usable on many other craft jobs.

Upon arrival I was overwhelmed by a smell of anti rust oil. The instructions on Amazon do recommend you clean these tools before using them, and I must say it is important to do so. The needles are grooved correctly, and are also extremely sharp. Be sure to wear the appropriate protection while using this set, especially if you are new to these tools.
The scissors/shears work very well, I was able to pinch, cut, and pull with them. I wouldn't say this kit is for a small child, but my 14 year old absolutely adores it. Be sure to check this kit out before giving it to your child.
All in all It has everything you'll need to get started, and the needles are great. Everything does what it's supposed to do, and I'll update this blog when my daughter completes a craft using the set. I can't wait to see what she can do!
Happy Crafting!
Buy it here at;
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