Ceramic Pottery Tool with Carry Case Modeling Tools Set Review

Hey there everyone! I received this tool set to test it out. It seems pretty awesome for polymer clay... I had a lot of fun testing this set because I've always loved working with clay.

I tested each tool individually and each one did well. These sets usually sell for much more in store, so not only will you save money buying this set, but it is a better set than the one I purchased locally.

The metal tools operated as expected, until I used them with wax. I tried the wooden tools as well (WITH metal tips) and I had the same experience. When used with clay (as intended) these tools are great. I will even be giving a few of these to my older kids, as I think they will be able to utilize them with Play Doh. 

Unfortunately these are not super sharp, they are not multi tools. I tried to use them with warm wax and bent the tip on each that I had tried (except the solid wood ones.) They did exactly what they were supposed to and nothing extra.

My favorite tools are the slicers and manual drills... I love to make beads, and perfection is a must. These tools were able to significantly reduce my time spent preparing each individual bead.

I will say with confidence that I highly recommend this as a gift or starter set. If you want to give this to a child you may want to remove a few tools, but I am also confident these tools will operate well with Play Doh.

You can get them here at;



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